
How to take on and avoid default loans

Defaulting on Your Loans

By Bill Fay | July 26, 2012

A default on any loan is going to severely damage your credit score and leave you vulnerable to one or more collection procedures. The consequences of default depend on whether your loan is…

What Is Debt Collection?

By Bill Fay | July 24, 2012

The picture that many people have in mind when they think about the stereotypical debt collector is a hard-hearted scoundrel of melodrama infamy, threatening to throw widows and orphans into…

Building icon with "Credit Union" spelled under it with spreadsheet in background

Credit Unions & Debt

By Bill Fay | July 6, 2012

Some borrowers who are looking for trustworthy lenders are simply swayed by news out of the financial sector, news that documented at a rash of bank failures and subsequent efforts…

Close up of brass lock behind blue credit card on top of keyboard

Credit Monitoring, Credit Reporting Services and Identity Protection

By Bill Fay | June 19, 2012

Consumers’ financial identities are always at risk. A single late payment might bring down your credit score, a clerical error may lead to inaccurate or outdated information being reported, and…

How often does your credit score change

How Often are Credit Scores Updated?

By Bill Fay | June 18, 2012

Every consumer should be interested in their credit score, especially if they are considering a major financial move that will require a loan. Anyone wanting credit for a mortgage, auto…

Smiling man activating his credit card on his laptop while on his cell phone

How to Establish and Build Credit

By Bill Fay | June 18, 2012

Where can you go in today’s economy with good credit? Just about anywhere! Where can you go in today’s economy with bad credit? Just about nowhere! Building good credit has…

Good and Bad Credit Cards Being Cut Up

Signs of Good and Bad Credit Cards

By Bill Fay | May 22, 2012

The selection process for credit cards has become a lot like choosing a new car: it’s a beauty contest, with banks and card companies offering many attractive choices. In the…

Bank and Saving Institute Sign

Banks, Credit Unions & Savings Institutions

By Bill Fay | April 23, 2012

American banks offer a smorgasbord of investment options. From commercial and savings banks to credit unions and trust companies, consumers have a dizzying array of choices for saving and borrowing…

Credit Solution Strategies

Credit Solutions

By Bill Fay | April 16, 2012

Each one of these 3 credit solutions can be a viable solution for getting out of debt, depending on the circumstances you’re in and the resources you have available. Any…

Young male student gazing into distance holding piggy-bank in front of university building

Credit Unions & Student Loans

By Bill Fay | April 3, 2012

Many students take out private loans to cover their college costs, but many lenders today have less credit to offer than in years past.  This has opened a business opportunity…