Credit card debt has skyrocketed to more than $1.1 trillion. So has looking for ways to avoid paying interest on that mountain of money. For millions of Americans, the search…
Here’s the dilemma. On one hand, you’d love to be free of the albatross of high-interest credit card debt hanging around your neck, especially when there’s money in a savings…
Transferring debt to a 0% balance transfer credit card can seem like a no-brainer. All the interest you were paying temporarily disappears. There are a lot of advantages. But those…
Credit cards are easy to use and fun to have – as long as bills are handled responsibly. Those who do not handle credit card debt properly face the daunting…
A balance transfer credit card can help you improve your finances, but it comes with a lot of risk. On one hand, these cards usually give you a period of…
Most adults (82% in 2023) have at least one credit card. We use them to shop for groceries, make online purchases, and build our credit profiles. Some of us may…
Paying off your debt with a new credit card probably sounds easy. You just open up a new card, use it to pay off your other accounts and then it’s…
Wait, there’s a question about this? A balance transfer lowers an interest rate and speeds up the getting-out-of-debt process and we wonder if that is a good idea? Well duh!…
It may seem counter-intuitive to open a new credit card to solve a credit card debt problem, but a balance transfer card is not just intuitive, it’s a great option…
Not everything that’s good for your finances is good for your credit, and vice versa. For example, using credit cards and loans helps build your credit scores, but can also…