Having too much credit card debt is never fun but living on a fixed income and worrying that your Social Security benefits may be garnished to pay that debt adds…
People are supposed to relax when they retire, not worry about financial problems. Studies show that a lot of retirees turn to alcohol for debt relief, but there is a…
There are 10,000 Baby Boomers retiring every day for another 14 years, which means a lot of people have a choice that will have a monumental impact on their retirement:…
More than 50 million people depend on Social Security benefits for part or all of their income during retirement. Although most working Americans do not plan on funding their retirements…
When you need a loan, sources like banks, credit unions, online lenders and finance companies immediately spring to mind. But, for American workers who have a 401(k) plan, there’s another…
The United States government is opening the door to retirement savings for the millions of Americans who have nothing invested there, but a word of caution if you go inside:…
There is a new twist on the ages old discussion about how much is needed for retirement savings: Employers – not employees! – are taking the initiative. The Vanguard Group,…
American workers have found another escape hatch to avoid contributing to their retirement savings and at least 33 percent of them say they would voluntarily take it. The LIMRA Secure…
There was a time when no two words were more closely associated with each other than “65” and “retired.” The two were a couple for so long they were interchangeable.…
Last week, President Obama submitted to Congress his version of a federal budget for the 2014 fiscal year. And soon, like the half-dozen other budget proposals that have been introduced by,…